😎 20yrs I Been Doing This Wrong??

In my last company I made $4.8mil over the course of about 7 years.

85% of that came from email!

And get this…


I been doing it ALL WRONG.


This is rocking my world.

I’ve been sending out emails like these for nearly 20yrs now, and just this week I found out I’ve been doing WRONG!

Let me explain…

Oh, the money I’ve missed out on 😭

Ok, get a grip Justin.

So, Monday morning I took a slow morning. I was working a bit too hard and decided to sleep in, take a chill day, and watch some YouTube.

I turn on this video that says “Stop being BASIC with ConvertKit.”

And I’m like “yea sure bud, let’s see what you got.”

Thinking this old dog (I’m 42 now) can’t be taught any new tricks.

Ooooft was I wrong.

Brad (the YouTube guy I was watching) starts showing how he runs his whole email marketing program with one single automation.

Yea soo??

No guys, you don’t get it…


  • His email newsletter.
  • His sales sequences.
  • His welcome sequences.

He uses these “Flag Tags” to move people to and fro.

They jump in and out of the sequence.

I want to teach you the whole system on a free workshop.


He’s got it setup so that his subscribers get relevant content ALL YEAR long without him EVER needing to send out a broadcast.

Guys... I been sending out weekly broadcasts for almost 20yrs.

That’s 52 x 20 🤮

Over 1,000 broadcasts 😭😭😭

See the way Brad does it, he only needed to write about 35 broadcasts. And he’s got them all automated now so people see them in order no matter when they join his email list.

And here’s the nuclear bomb…

Because he does it all with one visual automation, he basically breaks the system.

ConvertKit has this new free plan where you can have up to 10,000 subscribers for free.

But the catch is you only get 1 visual automation.

Brad’s like “challenge accepted!”

That’s all he needs!

His whole year long system that sells his products and earns him affiliate commission, it all runs on 1 visual automation.

So, I’m doing a workshop to teach y'all this method, because OH MY GOODNESS if I had known this when I started 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

No cost for the workshop either.

It’s free.

All you need to do is…

  1. Just sign up for the new free ConvertKit plan through my link (they pay me $10)
  2. My rep at ConvertKit will tell me everyone who signed up.
  3. I’ll send out workshop invites to everyone who signed up.

You get a new free ConvertKit plan that holds up to 10,000 subscribers for free.

I get $10 bucks (from ConvertKit)

You get a workshop teaching you how to use that one visual automation to run your entire year long automated newsletter!


Fair enough?

Brooo I can’t wait to show you how this works. I’m literally taking the next two weeks to build out my own entire year long automated newsletter.

Been digging up all my best emails and articles from over the years and updating them for today’s context.

This is gunna be awesome.

See ya on the workshop.
Justin Brooke
Happily Unemployed for 20 years

P.S. If you already signed up through my link the other week, you'll also get invited to the free workshop. Don't worry, I won't forget any of you. Workshop will be after July 4th though.