Build a $1m Community with AI

There's nothing to buy in this email.

But there is a free course that you'll love...

A few months ago, I met a woman who lives in Silicon Valley.

She's not like these Internet gurus.

People like Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, and Sadie Robertson come to her for 1 very specific solution.

Building multi-million dollar paid communities.

The woman's name is Gina.

Gina has been building communities online since the days of Myspace. She was the founder of Ning, which was big back in the Web 2.0 days. It was a software that let you build your own niche Myspace like website.

Maybe you've heard of Skool or Circle?

Yea me too.

I thought they were great until I met Gina.

I had an active thriving community of Circle too, so I didn't think anything was wrong - until I met her.

It was one of those "I'm doing everything wrong" moments.

You see I thought running paid communities meant creating lots of weekly and monthly content. Doing tons of livestreams, workshops, weekly tutorials, etc.

And I did well doing that.

I was making over $30,000/mo doing that.

What Gina opened my eyes too, was a far better model.

A model where the users create most of the content.

She calls it "Become a host, not a hero."

As a hero, you're the star. Everyone depends on you for everything. You have to constantly perform like a monkey in the street begging for a shiny coin.

My words, not hers.

It gets even better.

Gina has a whole team of developers working for her in Silicon Valley, the really good kind like the ones that work for OpenAI or META.

And they came up with this thing called "The infinite questions engine."

She teaches all of this in a free course here, but here's the quick version...

In a nutshell her model is...

  1. Invite users to your community
  2. Ask them DAILY highly engaging transitional questions (I'll explain)
  3. Watch the users come alive with answers
  4. Create "People Magic" so your users connect with each other
  5. Watch the friendships form and users blossom

I probably need to explain two things about her model.

But first...

Think about Reddit.

Does the founder of Reddit create all the content or do the users do that?

What about HackerNews? 4Chan? Facebook groups?

It's common for users to create content in online communities. They've been doing it ever since Myspace came out, and even before that in online forums.

The problem is when the host makes themselves a hero instead of a host.

A host just hosts.

A hero needs to perform.

Gina teaches in her course that a good host asks this special type of daily questions. Questions that make users think about their goals, questions that hold them accountable, questions that help THEM think through their problems.

What happens is these questions bring users back into the community. They want to see everyone's answers, they also want to be heard so they participate too.

Next thing you know you've got an active community.

But her developers added AI to it, and they call it the "Infinite questions engine." Where basically the AI will keep asking these questions helping you keep your community active for you.

I feel like I'm spoiling the ending of a great movie.

Just go checkout her course.

She's teaching you everything she taught me.

Zero cost!

Here's the link to her course...

I forgot to explain "People Magic" it's just as incredible. She will explain it all to you much better than I can.

Justin Brooke
Happily Unemployed for 20 Years